Two Penny Blue Perforated

Two Penny Blue Perforated

Here you will find all listed examples of Two Penny Blues with perforations.

Stamp Grading Abbreviations

Please refer to the following grading abbreviations in relation to this category.

  • UM = Unmounted mint.
  • FMM = Fine Mounted Mint.
  • AMM = Average Mounted Mint, will have some defect.
  • VFU = Very Fine Used, with a very light postmark.
  • FU = Fine Used, with moderate postmark.
  • GU = Good Used, with heavier postmark.
  • AU = Average Used, slight defect such as poor cancel, pulled perf or small snagged corner.
  • SF = Stamp with faults, such as trimmed perfs, thinned, small tear.

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